

When a recipient opens an email and downloads images from the email, we record an open event against the email in Aftersend.


When a recipient clicks on a link we record that as an event against the email in Aftersend.

Reply (Enterprise Only)

Created when we determine an email passing through our service is related to the Aftersend email.

Preference Based

First Open

When we record the first "Open" event, you receive a "First Open" notification which will display a popup notification in the sidebar and you will send an email, depending on your settings.

Priority Open

When the open count reaches the "Read Priority Count" limit.

Priority Click

When the click count reaches the "Link Open Priority Count" limit.

Schedule Based

No Reply (Enterprise Only)

When you have not received a reply to an email within the "No Reply after ... hours" limit.

Repeat Read Open

When an email is opened after no open events within the "Repeat Read Delay Days" limit